These videos are by David Humphrey for music by Kurt Rohde. They were originally performed at Roulette Intermedium on September 6, 2022.

Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

The piece has 9 movements.

The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.

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  • 9 - Words

    9 - Words

    (Water Lilies Floating)


    air wait


    write air

    will- lilies
    ows swirl


    -Donna Masini

    This video is by David Humphrey, and visually sets the vocal setting. It is called: 9 Words

    Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

    These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

    In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

    The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

    The piece have 9 movements:

    Water Lilies 1
    Water Lilies 2
    Water Lilies 3
    Water Lilies 4
    Water Lilies 5
    Water Lilies 6
    Water Lilies 7
    Water Lilies 8
    (Water Lilies Floating)

    The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.

  • 8 - Wallet

    8 - Wallet

    Water Lilies 8

    Clear morning with will-
    ows that will

    never wilt

    leaves, water-
    plants, lilies

    open like wallets

    and wars

    Who tallies

    who reels in the literal
    corpses? It’s the law

    of will
    art of waste

    the world reels

    late stars wobble on the easel
    -Donna Masini

    This video is by David Humphrey, and visually sets the vocal setting. It is called: 8 Wallet

    Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

    These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

    In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

    The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

    The piece have 9 movements:

    Water Lilies 1
    Water Lilies 2
    Water Lilies 3
    Water Lilies 4
    Water Lilies 5
    Water Lilies 6
    Water Lilies 7
    Water Lilies 8
    (Water Lilies Floating)

    The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.

  • 7 - Skin

    7 - Skin

    Water Lilies 7

    suddenly welts

    weals, wrestle
    onto my skin, a series

    of trails
    I am my own walls

    my body’s rash atelier

    something writes
    from inside, tells

    my sister dragging the tail

    of her oxygen tank; the weariest
    days, shadows, trees

    ills swell

    nothing to erase
    nothing to ease
    I come to the wall

    and the wall

    all welter, swells
    -Donna Masini

    This video is by David Humphrey, and visually sets the vocal setting. It is called: 7 Skin

    Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

    These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

    In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

    The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

    The piece have 9 movements:

    Water Lilies 1
    Water Lilies 2
    Water Lilies 3
    Water Lilies 4
    Water Lilies 5
    Water Lilies 6
    Water Lilies 7
    Water Lilies 8
    (Water Lilies Floating)

    The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.

  • 6 - Coins

    6 - Coins

    Water Lilies 6

    like straw

    in a storm, you are still

    at the least
    provocation, aswirl

    almost real

    like the water
    Monet painted what we can’t see

    then the lilies

    like coins spilling out of water

    trees, will-

    ows, bent at the waist

    hair falling, weeping trees

    air and water

    water and air

    and you, sister, still

    reel after reel

    against all laws

    -Donna Masini

    This video is by David Humphrey, and visually sets the vocal setting. It is called: 6 Coins

    Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

    These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

    In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

    The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

    The piece have 9 movements:

    Water Lilies 1
    Water Lilies 2
    Water Lilies 3
    Water Lilies 4
    Water Lilies 5
    Water Lilies 6
    Water Lilies 7
    Water Lilies 8
    (Water Lilies Floating)

    The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.

  • 5 - Ruins

    5 - Ruins

    the air’s alert
    a Parisian jumps at the least
    sound, it’s the law
    of hatred, rule of Ares
    a sewer of ire
    a weary aisle
    of fear, the stairwell
    climbs down or up its
    own dark rails
    Fear has a long lease
    see it in the child’s welts
    the wallets
    of suffering and riot
    suffering in the east
    the west
    What is an iris
    to that? A lily? A star?
    A sweet
    roll from the now-dark café? It’s

    the last straw
    a waiter (writer)
    says (in French); Ariel’s
    attack of fear; he wears
    he says, a sweater
    of refugees, the late
    bombed-out sites
    The aria
    of war
    je suis allé
    he says, why write?
    -Donna Masini

    This video is by David Humphrey, and visually sets the vocal setting. It is called: 5 Ruins

    Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

    These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

    In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

    The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

    The piece have 9 movements:

    Water Lilies 1
    Water Lilies 2
    Water Lilies 3
    Water Lilies 4
    Water Lilies 5
    Water Lilies 6
    Water Lilies 7
    Water Lilies 8
    (Water Lilies Floating)

    The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.

  • 4 - Painting

    4 - Painting

    my sister became too ill

    for the clinical trials
    but there was a tease
    around Easter
    we could still

    hope, more will
    than possibility, a straw
    false lease
    I began to tell
    her about the Water Lilies
    watched her stare

    at each panel as if I
    were a merchant unfolding my wares

    to make them so real
    so literal

    she might climb the tiers
    of painted air the way lilies
    out of shit and silt
    So Monet writ
    his “terrible blizzard of loss that will

    even erase
    her features” John Berger writes

    of the portrait of his young wife’s wrestle
    with death; saw
    painted light unlike the real

    is not transparent—more a wall
    and she, now, a corpse on an easel
    -Donna Masini

    This video is by David Humphrey, and visually sets the vocal setting. It is called: 4 Painting

    Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

    These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

    In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

    The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

    The piece have 9 movements:

    Water Lilies 1
    Water Lilies 2
    Water Lilies 3
    Water Lilies 4
    Water Lilies 5
    Water Lilies 6
    Water Lilies 7
    Water Lilies 8
    (Water Lilies Floating)

    The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.

  • 3 - Sink

    3 - Sink

    After the allies
    after the serial

    the lies
    his real
    aim was to make a

    “pond that remembers all”
    not to paint “it”

    rather “the air

    that touched it”
    -Donna Masini

    This video is by David Humphrey, and visually sets the vocal setting. It is called: 3 Sink

    Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

    These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

    In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

    The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

    The piece have 9 movements:

    Water Lilies 1
    Water Lilies 2
    Water Lilies 3
    Water Lilies 4
    Water Lilies 5
    Water Lilies 6
    Water Lilies 7
    Water Lilies 8
    (Water Lilies Floating)

    The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.

  • 2 - Tangle

    2 - Tangle

    trying to sit
    at the rail
    of my attention, wait
    (what can I take for later?)

    (in the bookstore, retail
    (outside the swelter)

    six hours behind me my sister lies
    in a tangle of wires
    and sweat
    can’t eat, then rallies, tires
    In a week I’ll
    open a book: Art
    I’ll give her Art
    prayer, the clinical trials
    and all
    be well
    will be all
    will will will
    too late

    in a year she will

    (this can’t be real)

    when I buy myself a sweater
    I buy one for her as well
    -Donna Masini

    This video is by David Humphrey, and visually sets the vocal setting. It is called: 2 Tangle

    Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

    These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

    In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

    The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

    The piece have 9 movements:

    Water Lilies 1
    Water Lilies 2
    Water Lilies 3
    Water Lilies 4
    Water Lilies 5
    Water Lilies 6
    Water Lilies 7
    Water Lilies 8
    (Water Lilies Floating)

    The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.

  • 1 - Stairwell

    1 - Stairwell

    Here the weariest
    come to rest
    in the swirl
    of light and time and water
    water and air
    blues, teals
    a twisting wisteria
    seems to wrestle
    the trellis
    of its own trail
    tier on tier
    climbing its wires
    of air

    After the war

    in his atelier
    a fog, a silt
    filming each iris
    Monet twisted the laws
    of landscape and paint to raise

    the real
    into a kind of stairwell
    to tease
    his Parisians out of the sterile

    trials of war
    to rest
    not to erase
    but ease
    let them stare
    and stare

    -Donna Masini

    This video is by David Humphrey, and visually sets the vocal setting. It is called: 1 Stairwell

    Kurt Rohde writes: This setting of Donna Masini's "Water Lilies," poems found at the center of her collection of poems "4:30 Movie," were composed at my home in San Francisco during the COVID pandemic for soprano Stephanie Lamprea. The electronics in this recording were produced in collaboration with Joshua Jandreau. The live performance version uses a Max patch created in collaboration with Alex Van Gils.

    These poems are abstracted re-tellings of the poet going to MOMA and seeing Monet's "Waterlilies" and coming away thinking about the paintings, the artist, the time the were created, and her sister who was dying of cancer at the time of her visit.

    In addition to panning, I use 4 effects in my settings: reverb, delay, hi-pass filters, & granular synthesis. In many cases, I re-order the word of the poems to create an alternative narrative. For the final setting, the singer sings with a fixed media track using a combination of recordings I made of birds, and recitations of the poem by the singer Stephanie Lamprea.

    The piece is designed to accommodate the innumerable qualities & abilities of the singers who perform it. It is meant NOT to be the same way with each performance, but rather, should reflect what the singer sees & hears inside of the space of the music I have written.

    The piece have 9 movements:

    Water Lilies 1
    Water Lilies 2
    Water Lilies 3
    Water Lilies 4
    Water Lilies 5
    Water Lilies 6
    Water Lilies 7
    Water Lilies 8
    (Water Lilies Floating)

    The recording is of Stephanie Lamprea. It was edited, mixed, mastered & produced by Joshua Jandreau.